"Kip’s Funny Little Feet" is a heartwarming children's book that follows the journey of Kip, a young boy overcoming mobility challenges with determination and self-acceptance. Kip learns to walk with the use of special braces called SMOs and AFOs. Through beautifully illustrated pages done by Lezanne Bianchina, readers discover the joy of uniqueness and the importance of embracing differences. Join Kip on a touching adventure that celebrates what makes us different and the strength that arises from understanding and accepting what makes him different. “Kip’s Funny Little Feet” is based on the real life experience of my son, Kip. It will be available online wherever books are sold online along with directly from me. Author copies are being printed by Lakeside Press in Willmar, MN.
Kip's Funny Little Feet released on April 21st, 2024. Kip's Funny Little Feet was successfully funded on Kickstarter on 1/5/24 with over 200 books preordered! Thank you!
Retail Locations:
Bumble Books in Amana, IA
Paperback: 979-8-9899859-0-6
Hardback: 979-8-9899859-1-3
Ebook: 979-8-9899859-2-0
Library of Congress Control Number: 2024902401
© Taylor Hindermann of Virtual TH Mom Books - Waterlily font license # DERu-Vpvr-8aEt-ZPoU
Amazon link
Thank you
Thank you for all the newspaper outlets that ran stories from Kip's Funny Little Feet including:
Access Press
Montgomery Messenger
Redwood Falls Gazette
Sleepy Eye Herald Dispatch
Lonsdale Area News-Review
Thank you to Madeline at KEYC Now News for running our story on the local news.
Watch here
Thank you to David Porter and Heidi Wigdahl for running our story on Kare 11.
Watch here
Thank you to Next Chapter Winery for offering to host Kip's Funny Little Feet's launch party.
Finally, thank you to all our backers who made this possible on kickstarter.